Energy Upgrades
Upgrade, Replace or Install an approved energy-efficient Reverse Cycle and save $$$$$ on rebates from the Victoria Government!
The Offer
The Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program offers incentives for households to upgrade to reverse-cycle air conditioners that can heat and cool.
The Victorian government wants to help you reduce costs by replacing old heating and cooling systems with more energy-efficient systems or purchasing new ones.
Only products meeting VEU program requirements can be installed.
It’s all about replacing old heating and cooling systems with more energy-efficient ones
With this new activity, you can only install a:- Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) approved product
- Range of ducted (whole-of-home) and non-ducted (room) reverse cycle air conditioners
- High-efficiency reverse cycle air conditioner capable of both heating and cooling.

Steps to take to get a rebate...
- Establish if you will be eligible for the Victorian Energy Upgrades rebate.
- If you are eligible, get an idea of the type of system you might need for your needs? Need some help with this? Contact us, and we can visit the site and provide you with a list of possible systems that would effectively suit your space.
- Contact Us to order your new system and book in the installation.
Don’t have time or energy to look into things, don’t worry. Just give us a call and we will visit your dwelling, make an assessment as to what system best suits your needs and space, and provide you with a quote of the system and the installation.
All Victorian households and businesses are eligible to apply for discounts.
Your participation is voluntary.
Living in a rental property?
If you’re living in a private rental property, you are eligible to receive a discount on a heating and cooling system. We recommend that landlords and tenants work together when doing any upgrades to a rental property.
Is your system eligible?
- – Replace a hard-wired electric room heater (no refrigerative air conditioner).
- – Replace central electric resistance heater or slab heater (no refrigerative air conditioner).
- – Replace non-ducted gas heating only.
- – Replacing ducted reverse cycle air conditioner.
- – Replace non-ducted reverse cycle air conditioner.
- – Replace ducted gas heater only (no refrigerative air conditioner).
- – Not decommissioning – installing new.
Choosing the right size reverse cycle air conditioner
Think carefully about what your household needs from a new reverse-cycle air conditioning system. Every household is unique, and this impacts what size is appropriate.
There are many factors that you may to consider when choosing a reverse-cycle air conditioner. Even though our professional and highly trained staff will help you to choose the right system for you below is a list of factors to consider or help you to determine what is the right system for you and the right size.
1. Which rooms need heating!
When considering a new reverse cycle air conditioner, discuss the rooms you want heated and cooled with your installer.
Ask yourself the following questions:
We recommend your new system covers primary living spaces such as living rooms, lounges and open-plan living areas. Also consider what rooms are covered by your existing heating or cooling.
Types of Reverse Cycle Air Conditioners
one outdoor unit connected to one indoor unit, suitable for a single room or open plan area.
one outdoor unit connected to multiple indoor units, suitable for multiple rooms or whole-of-home.
one central outdoor unit connected to multiple indoor rooms through ducts and vents, suitable for whole-of-home.
Zoning – We recommend zones for your ducted system. Zones allow more control over which areas of your home to heat and cool.
Ducting – Speak to your installer to ensure your new ducting is appropriately insulated and correctly sized for your heating and cooling needs.
The ‘size’ of a reverse cycle air conditioner refers to its heating and cooling output. Products list size in kilowatts (kW). An important factor to consider when sizing your new system is the size of the
space you want to heat or cool.
The table below provides a guide to the system size you may need for a particular room size.
The recommended size for ducted systems.
Ducted systems offer an effective way to heat and cool your entire home, however, they can be more expensive to install and run.
If you choose a ducted system, the right size can depend on several factors and should be discussed with your us your, installer.
We recommend providing 1.1 to 1.4kW of heating output for every 10m2 of your home covered by a ducted system, depending on the individual characteristics of your home.
Featured Approved Scheme Systems
For more approved models/ systems please contact us.
So you have read all the information, but still have questions, we understand there is a lot of get through and we have tried our best to answer any final questions here in FAQ's.
However, if you still find you are still unsure about a few things please don't hesitate to contact us, and we will be happy to answer any further questions you may have.
The rebate will vary depending on many different factors including:
- The cost of the chosen system
- The installation cost
- Any administration fees
- Location of install/ replacement
- Cost of decommissioning old units
An accredited provider is:
- any business that is approved to deliver or facilitate installations in the VEU program
- responsible for helping you get a discount on an installed appliance through the VEU program.
When doing an installation through the VEU program, accredited providers can either:
- use their own tradesperson, or
- work with a tradesperson of your choice.
Accredited providers will be able to explain:
- the steps to take part in the program
- the types of products can you install to get a discount
- the necessary qualifications of the tradesperson who installs the heating and cooling system.
Remember: you must work with an accredited provider to get a discount on an installed appliance through the VEU program.
Yes there is and you can locate it in the link below.
Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) space heating and cooling factsheet
If you still require more information, or confirmation that this is a legitimate scheme, you can visit the home of the rebate scheme at the link below.
- Wangaratta
- Benalla
- Oxley
- Myrtleford
- Thoona
- Yarrawonga
- Corowa
- Rutherglen
- Milawa
- King Valley
Terms and Conditions
To get a discount on the installation of a heating and cooling system you must:
- Install an Approved Product ONLY
There are a lot of products approved for installation as part of VEU. Not all products are of the same quality or suitable for every environment, so make sure you do your research or even better, consult a dealer. - All systems and work MUST be done through an Accredited Installer (That’s Us!). Your system and the installation must be done by an accredited installer only or you will not get a rebate.
Accredited installers offer different types of products, services, expertise and costs. The accredited installer will issue you a quote on the final installed price of the appliance, which will include the discount/rebate. - If you have an old existing heating and cooling system it must be decommissioned by an accredited installer to receive a rebate. You will need to replace or install a more energy-efficient system, from the approved list to be eligible for a rebate. Simply decommissioning an old system will not make you eligible for a rebate.
- All work, upgrades, installs, and decommissions must be done within the program operating timeframe. Any work down prior to or outside of these dates will not be eligible for a rebate. You can not get a job done and then apply for a rebate after the fact.